About Us

Advocating for Space Sustainability

The Clean Orbit Foundation is a research and advocacy organization that stands as the global nexus for space sustainability, driving awareness, education, and collaboration. We serve as the one-stop shop, providing in-depth insights into space debris and sustainability, while actively raising awareness about the challenges we confront. Simultaneously, we actively support initiatives that drive the evolution of sustainable standards and best practices. As an open and transparent organization, the COF collaborates closely with international stakeholders – governments, agencies, commercial entities, and academia – forging a unified trajectory toward a truly sustainable orbit.


Our Team

Kyle Cybul

Henry Yaeger

Our Approach to
Space Sustainability


We’re bridging a crucial gap in understanding the immediate threat of space debris. While awareness has grown in commercial and government sectors, the general public remains largely uninformed. Our mission is to make the world aware that the problem is urgent. Through increased awareness, we can effectively educate and discuss sustainable solutions, advocating for prompt action.


We believe education is key to addressing the pressing issue of space debris. By providing accessible knowledge, we empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions. Education forms the foundation for understanding the urgency, fostering collaboration, and implementing sustainable practices. Our commitment to education is a catalyst for positive change, ensuring a shared responsibility for a cleaner and safer orbital environment.


We advocate because the challenge of space debris demands a united response. Through advocacy, we strive to influence policies and practices that prioritize space sustainability. By amplifying the importance of responsible space activities, we aim to garner support and drive collective action. Advocacy is our tool to shape a future where global stakeholders prioritize the responsible use of space for the benefit of humanity and the longevity of our orbital environment.


We champion international collaboration because the challenge of space sustainability transcends borders. By fostering collaboration among governments, agencies, commercial entities, and academia worldwide, we aim to pool expertise, share resources, and collectively tackle space debris challenges. Our commitment to international collaboration is driven by the belief that a unified global effort is essential for creating effective and lasting solutions, ensuring a cleaner and safer orbital environment for all.


The Clean Orbit Foundation’s mission is to lead the charge in sustainable space operations through comprehensive education, proactive advocacy, and strategic international collaboration. We strive to instill best practices, standards, and an actionable framework that protect and preserve our orbital environment for future generations.


The Clean Orbit Foundation envisions a future where sustainable space operations are the global standard, ensuring a debris-free orbit that fosters innovation, exploration, and the peaceful use of space for generations to come.





Peaceful Use of Space


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